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2016 ANZHFR Annual Report

Here is the first annual report for the Australian & New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry. Hip fracture is the most serious and costly fall-related injury suffered by older people. There were an estimated 19,000 admissions to hospital for a hip fracture among Australians aged over 50 in 2011-12, an increase of 22% in absolute number since 2002-03. 1…

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ANZHFR Newsletter Issue 13

In this Edition ANZ rapid growth reaches over 2,000 records New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry Trust established National Forum on Secondary Fracture Prevention

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ANZHFR Newsletter Issue 12

In this Edition Facility Survey 2015 complete Australia reaches 24 hospitals and nearly 1,500 records New Zealand receives funding from ACC World Osteoporosis Day – 20th October 2015

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