Patient and carer experience of hip fracture care
The My Hip My Voice project is also collecting information on patient and carer experience of hip fracture care
When Margaret fell and broke her hip, her complex care started when the ambulance arrived and took her to her nearest hospital. She was admitted through the Emergency Department and had surgery the next day. After her operation, a physiotherapist helped her walk and she was discharged home by the team.
Although Margaret’s care was standard, and many of the protocols in place helped ensure she received timely care, the clinicians looking after her weren’t sure what her perception of the care provided was.
The My Hip My Voice pilot project has developed a set of questions to enable patients like Margaret to provide feedback directly to the hospital that cared for them about their experience of the care.
Patient Experience Measures
Patient-Reported Experience Measures (PREMs) are the group of experiences as told by the patient or their advocate.
PREMs are questionnaires about the patients’ perceptions of the care they received.
A PREM is a way to hear the patient’s voice and can help the hospital to improve the care they provide.
The answers are always anonymous.
For the hospitals participating in the pilot project in Australia, patients and families can use a QR code or website link to answer questions about:
- Waiting for surgery
- Pain management
- Being included in important decisions
- Having the chance to ask questions
- Communication about walking and recovery after hip fracture
Try out the survey and let us know what you think
As this is a pilot project, we are interested in feedback from people with experience of a hip fracture as a patient or family member.
Completing the survey here will not provide feedback to your hospital, but allow you to tell us what you think of the questions and any ideas you have about how we can improve them.
Scan the QR code below or click HERE to try out the patient experience questionnaire.

To find out more or provide feedback, please
email [email protected] or call us on 1300 ANZHFR (169 437)

We recognise and acknowledge people with a lived experience of hip fracture - patients, their families, and carers.
Their voices are powerful. Their contribution is vital to the work of improving health care.