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Welcome to The Australian and New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry

The Problem

The risk of falls and fractures increases with age. Each year, approximately 19,000 patients in Australia and 4,000 patients in New Zealand present with a new hip fracture. These presentations are projected to increase in the forseeable future, as are the associated costs to individual patients, their families, the community and the healthcare system.

Who We Are

The Australian and New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry (ANZHFR) is a clinical quality registry that collects data about older people admitted to hospital with a broken hip in Australia and New Zealand. The registry is managed by a group clinicians and experts in the field with representation from a number of key professional organisations.

Our Purpose

The ANZHFR is designed to allow hospitals to audit the care they provide against key markers of safe, high quality care. The data can then be used to improve clinical performance, examine national trends, advocate for better clinical care and ultimately optimise patient outcomes

Niamh shared a drawing with you 16
Niamh shared a drawing with you 17
Niamh shared a drawing with you 18


With data on over 120,000 hip fractures collected since 2015, the ANZHFR continues to provide data to drive improvements in the care of older people with a hip fracture.


107 hospitals across Australia and New Zealand have contributed data to the ANZHFR .


Data from more than 17,000 hip fracture records across Australia and New Zealand were included in the ANZHFR in 2023