Hip Fests 2024
Binational Hip Fest 2024: Rydges World Square, Sydney
Thank you to everyone who attended the 2024 Binational Hip Festival, held in Sydney on 14-15 November. It was a high energy few days and wonderful to see many of you in person, and online too.
A special thanks to our excellent guest speakers for their time and expertise.
We know it is always a juggle to take time out of your busy work and personal commitments to attend events like these, and do hope you found the event worthwhile.
We look forward to seeing you in 2025!
Video recordings of the presentations are now available!
Click on the links below or browse through the Hip Festival playlist on ANZHFR's Training and Education YouTube channel
Thursday 14 November
Session 1: Consumer-centred care
Consumer story: Jebby Phillips, Consumer Representative, ANZHFR Steering Group
What do patient-reported outcomes tell us about hip fracture recovery: Dr Lara Harvey, Data Analyst and Senior Research Fellow, ANZHFR, Neuroscience Research Australia, NSW
Developing a pre-hospital care pathway for suspected hip fractures: Sarah Bold, Dr Elizabeth Marsden and Julie Oliver, Older Persons Emergency Network, Metro North Health Queensland
Registry commitment to consumer engagement: Narelle Payne, Consumer engagement lead, ANZHFR, Neuroscience Research Australia, NSW
Day 1 walking - achieving the goal: Dr Lara Kimmel, Physiotherapist, The Alfred, Victoria
Session 2: Improving hip fracture care
Registry as a tool to support quality improvement: Stewart Fleming, ANZHFR Database Manager
Pain management following hip fracture: Dr Ben Slater, Anaesthetist, St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne, Victoria
Complications after hip fracture: Dr Hasanka Ratnayake, Geriatrician, Alfred Health, Victoria
Australian Golden Hip Awards
Presented by: A/Professor Kerin Fielding, Orthopaedic Surgeon, President Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and A/Professor Catherine McDougall, Orthopaedic Surgeon; Chief Medical Officer, Queensland Health
Friday 15 November
Session 1: Timing of surgery
Meeting the challenge of the 36-hour target: Quality improvement initiatives
A/Professor Chris Wall, Orthopaedic surgeon, Toowoomba Hospital, Queensland
Dr Andrew Ellis, Orthopaedic surgeon, HOD Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery, Royal North Shore Hospital, NSW
System-level approaches to improve access to operating theatres: A/Professor Catherine McDougall, Orthopaedic Surgeon; Chief Medical Officer, Queensland Health
Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs)
International guidelines: Dr Hannah Seymour, Geriatrician, Fiona Stanley Hospital, WA
What is happening across ANZ? Preliminary results from the DOAC sprint audit: Professor Rebecca Mitchell, Injury Epidemiologist, Macquarie University
Case study with panel discussion and Q&A
A/Professor Chris Wall; Dr Ben Slater; Dr Hannah Seymour; Monica McCarron, CN, Geriatric Nursing Consultancy Service, Toowoomba Hospital, Queensland; Dr Andrew Ellis; Andrew Maxwell, Nursing Co-Director, Program of Surgery, Prince of Wales Hospital, NSW
Session 2: Nutrition care after hip fracture
Introducing The SIMPLER Pathway and Toolkit – Better nutrition, Better outcomes: Professor Jack Bell, Allied Health Principal Research Fellow and Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian, The Prince Charles Hospital, Queensland and Alita Rushton, Dietitian Assistant, Metro North Health and PhD candidate, Griffith University, Queensland
Panel discussion – Fuelling Recovery through SIMPLER Nutrition Care After Hip Fracture: Panel: Professor Jack Bell (Chair); Anita Taylor, Orthopaedic Nurse Practitioner, Royal Adelaide Hospital; Professor Jacqueline Close; Alita Rushton
Session 3: Managing osteoporosis
Evidence update and quality improvement at Western Health: Dr Lauren Nacey, Geriatrician and physician-lead for the orthogeriatric service, Western Health, Victoria
Quality Improvement at Concord Hospital: Dr Nargis Shaheen and Dr Susan Li, Geriatrician and Registrar, Geriatric Medicine, Concord Hospital, NSW
Quality Improvement at Whakatane Hospital, NZ: Ms Nicola Ward, ANZ Hip Fracture and Fragility Fracture Registry Coordinator, New Zealand
For more information, please contact: [email protected].
New Zealand Hip Fest 2024, Christchurch Monday 16 September
Slide Presentations from NZ Hip Fest
Thank you to the speakers for generously sharing their expertise
How to achieve day 1 mobilisation - Jo Duggan - Senior Physiotherapist
The Bare Bones - Dr John Elliott - Geriatrician
The Value of Nutrition - Emma Cummack - Dietitian
Using ANZHFR Data to Improve Care - Dr Himali Aickin - Geriatrician