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ANZHFR Newsletter Issue 11

In this Edition Australia reaches 22 hospitals and a further 7 in the process New Zealand reaches over 300 records Registry training videos now available Summary of the UK report.

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ANZHFR Newsletter Issue 10

In this Edition News in brief Update on Austalian and New Zealand implementation In the limelight: Mr Stewart Fleming, ANZHFR Database Developer UK guidance for cemented hemiarthroplasty

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ANZHFR Newsletter Issue 9

In this Edition News in brief 2015 ANZHFR Facility Level Audit New look website In the limelight: Mr. Mark Wright Immediate Past President, New Zealand Orthopaedic Association,  Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Auckland City Hospital External evaluation of UK NHFD published

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ANZHFR Newsletter Issue 8

In this Edition Update on implementation in Australia Update on implementation in New Zealand In the limelight: Fiona Stanley Hospital, WA Consultation on Clinical Care Standard for Hip Fracture

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ANZHFR Newsletter Issue 7

In this Edition Update on implementation in Australia Update on implementation in New Zealand In the limelight: Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, WA President’s Corner: Paul McLiesh, ANZONA

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