August 27, 2017
2017 ANZHFR Annual Report Posted in Reports
It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the second Australian and New Zealand combined patient and facility-level report. This is the 5th year we have provided an annual report on activities within facilities across both countries but only the second year that we have included patient-level data.
These reports build on the groundwork of the ANZHFR since its inception in 2012, including the production of the Australian and New Zealand Guideline for Hip Fracture Care. The release in 2016 of the Hip Fracture Care Clinical Care Standard and its associated quality indicators – a combined effort from the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care and the Health Quality and Safety Commission New Zealand, has allowed us to align our reporting to those standards.
This provides hospitals with clear information regarding their standard of care for each of the quality statements.
The patient-level audit (the first part of this report) shows data grouped by hospital so that hospitals can be compared. Each hospital is numbered (anonymised) for this report but each hospital is provided with their identification number. In future, and with the agreement of participating hospitals, we aim to include hospital names in this report to provide transparency and to give hospitals a greater incentive to improve their performance.
Data are also grouped by country, and we have provided overall results for each country for 2016 and 2017 to show any changes that have occurred between the two reports. We hope that in future, this will map the improvements made to hip fracture care since inception of the Registry.
For the first time, the report incorporates patient health outcomes beyond discharge. Information on rates of death and on walking ability are included under 30 day and 120-day outcomes, although not all sites are collecting this information.